Our Partners

Outside of our primary users, contractors, we work with a number of stakeholders to support our network and support the goals of our partners.

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Cities & States

Can grow their green workforce training programs and meet sustainability goals faster.


Similar to cities, we help support electrification programs and initiatives.

Workforce Groups

We provide resources, tool kits and hubs to help workforce programs into the green trades.


We help OEMs scale their contractor programs with training and marketplaces.


Our electrification resource hub can be whitelabled to support distributors with education.

Program Implementors

We support large implementers by fast tracking their contractor network development

Our Products

Workforce Development Hub

Workforce Development Hub

Equip your workforce development programs with all the training resources needed to join the green trades.

Contractor Network Management

If you manage a network on contractors as sub-contractors or direct hires, we simplify scaling and management.

Our Partners